La Troïka, Taille de Mas de Nant Crue, Morzine

If you’re staying in Morzine and are looking for cheap wireless access, I’ve installed a Fon access point on the top floor of La Troïka!  It’s got a high-gain directional aerial pointing along Taille de Mas de Nant Crue and should just about manage to throw some Wi-Fi to Hotel Concorde and Fleur de Neiges.

To test the signal I used Qik on my mobile phone and uploaded this video via the FON_troika SSID from fifty yards down the road.

Film: V for Vendetta

Quoting a friend, Rain:

that film — with its dubious quasi fascistic weirdly sexist ideology — has a great deal to answer for


Monoski Day Three: Muscle Fatigue

Exhausted from two hard days of monoskiing the muscle fatigue sets in: I can barely stand, and I lack the strength to stop and remain balanced!


Monoski: Day Two


Monoski: Day One

First day of monoski madness!  Despite having my feet stuck together and my legs bound at the knees, I think I managed quite well.  And then the clients called!  I had to rush back to the flat to sort them out.  I hadn’t expected to be attempting reds and steep blues after my first morning…

Background music is Can I Play with Madness by Iron Maiden; made with iMovie ‘08 and a cheap handheld DV camera; thanks to my dad for his camerawork.


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