invincible=1; blink(1); setTimeout( function() { invincible=0; blink(0); },1000 );
But I suddenly scream “Shit!” Because my guy has just been hit With my hits points indicator less than full But it’s quite inconsequential And my wrath will be torrential For the following one second I am in-vin-ci-ble
SELECT @geoff_lee FROM #songsincode WHERE it LIKE '%hard%' OR it LIKE '%dirty%';
Explanation: Modulate is @geoff_lee, and this SQL statement selects him where “it” contains “hard” or “dirty”.
jmp $
Explanation: one instruction in assembly which will crash any program. Equivalent to “execute the current instruction again”.
with yorkshire: print "Hello $world"
Explanation: a parody of the classic “hello world program.
assert( ( >= AGE_OF_CONSENT )
_caustic_: Someone explain: RT @maznu assert( ( >= AGE_OF_CONSENT ) #songsincode @_caustic_
maznu: @_caustic_ it means “check she’s old enough” (otherwise you fuck jailbait)
def chorus(self): (!self).stare_bitch_glare() while True: head.append(air)
Explanation: see video of Faderhead playing in exactly the right venue.