Here is how I routed myself a block of IPv6 to my laptop, wherever I am in the world! Note that I deliberately route myself an entire /64, but only allow a /128 through tinc (to reduce the amount of junk I might drown in). It should be relatively trivial to swap addresses if necessary in future.
While VMware is undoubtedly the technology granddaddy of x86 virtualisation, and Parallels was the first well-known way of running Microsoft Windows on Apple MacOS X, VirtualBox is an open-source gem in a world of pay-for software.
I was dragged into the social networking, user generated content, interactive world of “Web 2.0” kicking and screaming. For years now I have kept an online presence in the form of a website. Gradually I’ve begun to realise that most of my life is spent within a stone’s throw of the wired world, and so it was about time I embraced that part of my existence.