
How I Fixed my "DYLD shared region unnest for map"

Countless people have had this kind of thing appear in their dmesg output:

NAT-safe IPv6 Tunnel from Mac OS X to Linux Server

Here is how I routed myself a block of IPv6 to my laptop, wherever I am in the world! Note that I deliberately route myself an entire /64, but only allow a /128 through tinc (to reduce the amount of junk I might drown in). It should be relatively trivial to swap addresses if necessary in future.

SSHKeychain on Snow Leopard

I am an avid user of MacPorts, but it seems some things are broken with Snow Leopard. In particular it seems one cannot build SSHKeychain:

Software Shout-out: VirtualBox

Link: Software Shout-out: VirtualBox

While VMware is undoubtedly the technology granddaddy of x86 virtualisation, and Parallels was the first well-known way of running Microsoft Windows on Apple MacOS X, VirtualBox is an open-source gem in a world of pay-for software.

Software Shout-out: Twitteriffic

Link: Software Shout-out: Twitteriffic

I was dragged into the social networking, user generated content, interactive world of “Web 2.0” kicking and screaming. For years now I have kept an online presence in the form of a website. Gradually I’ve begun to realise that most of my life is spent within a stone’s throw of the wired world, and so it was about time I embraced that part of my existence.


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