
Gare de Lyon

Including the ticket office where, two years ago, I had to plead for replacement tickets. Taken with the Ross double-element lens.

Gare du Nord, Paris

Including a panorama at Gare du Nord, taken while loaning the use of my phone to an American girl trying to contact her European friends.


Christmas Eve, Polish Style.

This is a portrait of my sister, Anita, taken with a slightly soft 1960s lens adapted for use on a modern DSLR. I'm pleased with the "look" that came out.

DIY Foamcore Softbox

Similar to the one on DIY Photography!

DIY Foamcore Softbox

Vintage Nude (double element Ross London)

Testing DIY vintage lenses for nude photography.

Self-modelled because this is a test!

Learn about the lenses at: Adapting a Nineteenth Century Lens for Modern DSLR Use.


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