
Floppy ears and jowls and pleading eyes - on a walk in Worcestershire

Today we drove to Thing Hill, near Hereford, and came back with Honour, the dog you see pictured here. She’s a gorgeous beagle-cross-collie with a wary, but otherwise good, temperament.

Caffeine and Computers

The Software Development Offices at Wythenshawe Hospital from 2003-2006

Combichrist at Infest 2004

The first Infest I was invited to crew, and it was an incredible experience.  Very hard work, exhausting physically and mentally, but so absolutely worth it.  Music, a mission, a show, grafting alongside a hard-working team… fantastic!

I was in the photographer’s pit when Andy opened screaming “This $hit Will Fcuk You Up” and the energy of his performance set the tone for the rest of the weekend.

Sunset at Caemes Bay

Edinburgh Zoo

Edinburgh Castle


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