Old content migrated from a very long time ago…
less than 24 hours till the metropolis 2000 dream theater concert…!
so much to do - wrote to ewan regarding the agreement for payment. phoned blade and firebird and sorted out what’s happening on monday and tuesday. it was good to talk to blade again! long time, no see or speak (damned holidays).
plan for the next 72 hours: finish sending a video to wilf, sleep some, check email, run into town, find the vegetative state machine, phone the squirrel, buy train tickets, run back home, get showered and changed, head back to town, go to concert, come back, sleep, head to town, meet the squirrel, get the train to london, meet blade, wander around camden and covent garden, go to concert, head back to blade’s and crash, blade leaves at some unearthly hour the next morning so lock up blade’s place and leave the key inside, head to see ewan, pick up some money and sign some papers, find a bank and deposit the money, head to the train again, back to manchester, back home, crash and burn.
time to get started…