I’m approaching 30 years old, and recently walked past the building where I was born. It is now rubble. I wonder whether I need to cast myself a little further from where I began my independent existence.
I do not have enough time to engage in all the hobbies that I enjoy, let alone spend as much time as I would like to with the people I care about. I try to look at this positively: it means I am never without something to do, so I am never bored.
While I am confident in my technical abilities, I can be quite insecure about my personality and how others perceive me.
I am scared of flying. I think I need to fix this fear, and a friend has offered their help in this. But I also dislike the pollution that air travel produces.
I hate money.
I recently bought my first “proper” piece of latex clothing. This has something to do with New Year’s resolutions.
My birthday, New Year’s Eve, Christmas… these are all non-events as far as I am concerned.
I saw a friend who I’d not seen in ten years last week. That was fun.
My work dead-lines are like buses: I wait ages, and then get run over by six at once. There’s a reason why they’re called dead-lines.
I still can’t decide which animal I am more like: a greyhound or a cat.
I have kept a form of blog/journal for about ten years now, and have all my emails dating back to 1997.
There are simultaneously too many and too few things I wish to share here.
My lucky number.
I wrote 25 things about myself around 18 months ago. Most of them are still true.
I keep my promises, just sometimes I end up keeping the promise before I make it. Time can be tricky, and I get the order of things wrong sometimes.