
Fatal Attraction

The story behind the image: a friend of mine has recently "come out" as transitioning from male to female. This photograph is something of an alternative illustration of that; a highly technical image portraying the female aspect dominating the male.

Faderhead at Resistanz

With Cat and Graham.

  • Suicide Commando
  • Faderhead
  • And One
  • Covenant
  • SAM
  • Modulate
  • Uberbyte
  • [x]-Rx
  • Eisenfunk
  • Caustic
  • XP8
  • Deviant UK
  • C/A/T
  • The Gothsicles

Setlist 2011-03-25: ArA

My second set of the night:

ESA at Corporation, Sheffield

It's great to receive an email from a band asking to use the photos you shot:

[pullquote author="Jamie Blacker"] Thanks you for taking these photo's. They are fantastic. Do you mind if I use a few around and about the world wide web?
Thank you very much Marek. Really good live photo's are hard to come by so I really appreciate. [/pullquote]

Jamie: thank you for such an awesome set!



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