
2012: A Retrospective

Was 2012 a good year for you?
It was a year of very hard work, mainly in my business. It was better than last year which lacked sufficient interesting job-work. 2011 was when I bet everything on my company, but it wouldn't be till the last quarter of 2012 that this decision began to feel like it was paying off.
What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?

2010 in Photographs

2010 is the year that photography, a long-standing hobby of mine, returned in force to my pastimes:

  1. I first did proper "modelled" photography

    Excluding a very short spell of promotional photography at university for a dramatic production, this is the first time I have had someone stand in front of the camera with the specific aim of them being the subject of the picture. I'd not directed a model, and suddenly I had two. Practice, practice, practice!

Fire Poi and Strobe Flash

Timelapse of Journey Along Llangollen Canal



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