
Internet and VoIP Connectivity at La Troïka

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Livebox at La Troïka

Last Day on the Slopes

Today was the last day of skiing so back to Avoriaz to take it easy. Sjek has taken to the sport like a duck to water, and suddenly went tearing down Combe des Crêtes with me on the monoski barely able to catch up. I could see the adrenaline flush on her face when she stopped: terrified but clearly loving it!

Over the ten days or so that I’ve used the monoski I feel that I’ve really taken to it. My original reasons for buying one and trying it were:


“Salut, monoskieur!”

“Salut, monoskieur! Ça va?”

“Très bien! Et vous?”

“J’adore le monoski!”

Cavern Bar

I’m known for ranting about various subjects with my friends, and one of the common themes (especially during Martin’s stay) has been about attraction and relationships. Why do so many girls complain that they’re going out with yet another jerk? or ass-hole? or perhaps something involving even more colourful language? One hypothesis is that it is all too easy to confuse self-confidence for self-centered arrogance, and so one misses the rarer qualities of a secure and caring individual and ends up dating the jerk.

Fon, GrandStream 486, Switch and Cabling at La Troïka


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