
RevolutioN (second birthday)

Once again I take to the dancefloor with my camera...

Straftanz at Corporation, Sheffield

Holding the audience in the palm of his hand. A crowd-pleasing performance. A mix of "nifty fifty" and retro-135mm goodness.

Terrolokaust at Corporation, Sheffield

Blown away by their performance. Nifty fifty and 135mm f/2.8. The temperature in the venue was brutal.

Faderhead at Resistanz

With Cat and Graham.

  • Suicide Commando
  • Faderhead
  • And One
  • Covenant
  • SAM
  • Modulate
  • Uberbyte
  • [x]-Rx
  • Eisenfunk
  • Caustic
  • XP8
  • Deviant UK
  • C/A/T
  • The Gothsicles


After ESA and Memmaker came ReVolution: the club night with its new residency at the Corporation. This was a chance for me to dance and to do some portraiture of strangers.


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