
@IPv6fail: Noting the Irony of #IPv6 Tweets

This is a bot which searches the Twitter public timeline for mentions of IPv6. Any URLs mentioned in those tweets whose hosts do not have an AAAA record (i.e. do not have IPv6 support) are clearly meant to be ironic, for why would anyone be commenting on IPv6 if they've not tried to deploy it yet? Your irony is @IPv6fail's invitation to jokingly lament the lack of support for a decade-old networking protocol by the content provider in question.

Numbers Station

Link: Numbers Station
  • Choose how you want to call the Numbers Station:
    • Dial +44-1234817666 from any telephone in the world, or 01234817666 if you’re in the UK.
    • Dial +1-253-7531856 from any telephone in the world, or (253) 753-1856 if you’re in the USA.
  • After the beep type some numbers. * will be replaced by space; waiting a short while or dialling # will end your message.
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