
Looking for my [cultural reference here]

It was bad enough when, seven years ago (and then reprised during the DVD and TV releases), the film remake of Pride and Prejudice and subsequent, brief, mainstream interest in Jane Austen novels seemed to turn a sizeable proportion of the heterosexual dating scene into clones: "looking for my mr darcy" their profiles would proclaim. It's 2012 and the bestselling "mommy porn" of 50 Shades of Grey has become the source of inspiration for those "WLTM" imaginations.

HOWTO: Reduce Self-esteem, Build Paranoia, Raise Jealousy and Argue over Nothing

Well done, howcast for recommending this…

…for having a marvellous interaction with…

Feedback on "Internet Dating: A Personal Review"

This post answers some of the feedback and comments I received in response to my Internet Dating: A Personal Review post yesterday. First of all I should reiterate: my experience of Internet dating was, overall, positive. However all is not well in the state of Internet dating. The market is awash with near-clone-sites, operating nearly identical business models, and with pricing so closely matched I struggle to keep the word “cartel” out of my mind.

Internet Dating: A Personal Review

Over the last two years I’ve used Internet dating websites on-and-off. I’ve given the following sites a good stab:

MANHUG: Masculine Affection - No Homosexual Understones Generated


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