
2013: Some Aspirations

In my retrospective on 2012 I borrowed a template to prompt me to look back on the year. I don't usually analyse my year in quite such a structured and public way, preferring to do this continuously and more privately. However, this time it fit in fairly neatly with my annual "photography review" and served a useful exercise of self-reflection.

Progress on Photography Ambitions for 2011

relax, don't be in such a hurry
I've been shooting a lot more with film, in particular with the TLR; this definitely slows me right down into thinking about each and every shot; extending this to my use of digital where appropriate (e.g. still need to do some high-speed fire at gigs)
use humour
don't do what everyone else does

"Resolutions" for 2011

At the end of 2008 I made some resolutions for 2009:

Resolutions: 2009

Normally I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions, however this year I feel it might be worth breaking with the trend. In 2009 I shall:

  1. do more for the alternative music scene
  2. refrain from engaging in heated debate with those who do not understand my approach and are hurt by it
  3. remove the “brown paper bag” (resolve my personal self-esteem) which has been undermined

The last time I made resolutions was in 1998:

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