
Songs in Code: Eraser, Nine Inch Nails

void e( head ) {
    if ( head->tail )
        e( head->tail );
    free( head );

Explanation: deletes a linked list.

Songs in Code: Destroy Everything You Touch, Ladytron

touch * && rm *

Explanation: “touch” all files, then if that is successful, delete them.

Songs in Code: 4 o'clock, Emilie Autumn

for girl in girls:

Explanation: “ticking away from the ones we love, so many girls, so little time”.

Songs in Code: Lost Forever, uncertain attribution

while True:
    assert( self not in universe ), ""

Explanation: continuously test that “self” is not in the “universe” and raise an unexpected error if it is.

Songs in Code: One Second Ghost, The Gothsicles

setTimeout( function() {
},1000 );


But I suddenly scream “Shit!”
Because my guy has just been hit
With my hits points indicator less than full

But it’s quite inconsequential
And my wrath will be torrential
For the following one second
I am in-vin-ci-ble

Songs in Code: Hard and Dirty, Modulate

SELECT @geoff_lee FROM #songsincode WHERE it LIKE '%hard%' OR it LIKE '%dirty%';

Explanation: Modulate is @geoff_lee, and this SQL statement selects him where “it” contains “hard” or “dirty”.


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