
Songs in Code: Crash, Mesh

jmp $

Explanation: one instruction in assembly which will crash any program. Equivalent to “execute the current instruction again”.

Songs in Code: Hello Yorkshire, Coreline

with yorkshire:
    print "Hello $world"

Explanation: a parody of the classic “hello world program.

Songs in Code: You Fuck Jailbait, Caustic

assert( ( >= AGE_OF_CONSENT )

_caustic_: Someone explain: RT @maznu assert( ( >= AGE_OF_CONSENT ) #songsincode @_caustic_

maznu: @_caustic_ it means “check she’s old enough” (otherwise you fuck jailbait)

Songs in Code: Electrosluts Extraordinaire, Faderhead

def chorus(self):
    while True:

Explanation: see video of Faderhead playing in exactly the right venue.

Songs in Code: One Night in NYC, The Horrorist

if (time.time()+10800) % 86400 < 21600) and not singleton:
    print >> oliver, girl.move(NYC), pill.move(girl)

Explanation: if the time is between approximately 9pm and 3am, and this hasn’t happened yet, Oliver says, “girl went to New York City and took a pill”. Bug: doesn’t account for the five-hour difference between UK and USA time.

Songs in Code: Three Times a Lady

[ ("a lady",)*(x+1) for x in range(3) ]

Explanation: list of tuples containing appropriate numbers of “a lady”.


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