
Marek got on a train that departed the station quite a bit earlier than expected. So exhausted, didn't realise: WRONG TRAIN!

Link: Marek got on a train that departed the station quite a bit earlier than expected. So exhausted, didn't realise: WRONG TRAIN!


  • buy bits and pieces in Maplin
  • get train
  • head to meeting with hSo
  • bump into Pete from Bytemark in the same carriage on the Tube (double-take, “surely not?!”)
  • 13:30: earlier than expected, very useful meeting with hSo
  • work

Coreline Live at The Purple Turtle


Coreline Live at the Purple Turtle
Pretending to be ComediChrist

Coreline Live at The Purple Turtle


Coreline Live at The Purple Turtle


Coreline Live at The Purple Turtle

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