If you’ve been sent this link by me either you’ve tagged me in this blog-meme and wanted me to write something, or perhaps you’re someone who I think will find some of this funny, interesting, or flame-bait. I shall try and fire-break this worldwide share-fest and say you do not need to tell twenty-five other people to write twenty-five other things. Stop the self-indulgent Ponzi scheme!
The first holiday that I have taken in two years, so I took a very long one! My four weeks in Morzine were spent skiing, working in some of the evenings. Four friends visited me during my stay. This meta-post is the holiday diary!
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve taken the Eurostar now, or indeed, how many times I’ve crossed between Gare de Lyon to Gare du Nord on the Métro. It amuses me that someone whose first language is Polish and second language is English — that’s me — has less trouble navigating the French user-interface of the Paris Métro ticket machines than the locals seem to have.
Just north of Bourg-en-Bresse the whole of France seems to be a high-speed blur limited to twenty yards either side of the TGV. Beyond that the mist clinging to the flat landscape is obscuring everything.
Finally I got the GrandStream 486 talking through the Orange Livebox to the FaelixAsterisk VoIP exchanges in Manchester. In the end it involved setting the DMZ of the Livebox to point to the GrandStream. Now a Manchester-prefix number from SIPgate calls straight through into La Troïka! Calls from the Faelix office are, of course, free — it’s just an extension, after all!