again i woke early this morning, the tick-tock of regression rousing me from an unpleasant dream (the content of which i could not remember as is most common for me, although i do remember that i was dreaming just a moment before waking). i chose appropriate clothing for the contract i was to try to fulfil later that day, and packed a spare change of clothing (with appropriate accessories).
It has come to my attention that the Chistmas period is a gloomy
time for us compscis. Without our staple diet of lectures and UNIX, we
feel obliged to socialise. Those of you who have ever seen (or been) a
compsci socialising will know that this behaviour is guaranteed to end in
tears. Help is at hand, however, in the form of Jamie’s Christmas Vacation
Work (tm). Guaranteed to bring you hours of fun and excitement (*) and
keep you out of harm’s way.