Today saw a lot of coding and data entry on my big project. All done on the LP, all done reasonably quickly too. When forced to use a normal keyboard while helping some users/customers, I didn’t miss the convenience of the two-in-one keyboard and mouse, but it’s perhaps too early in my changeover to have become dependent.
Typing feels a lot more natural now, but still fairly error prone. I’m managing to type roughly one in three words correctly first time.
The third day with the new keyboard technology has been very encouraging! I’ve regained some typing speed and much accuracy, so will continue with the typing exercises and drills to improve my proficiency.
It’s day two with the zero-force keyboard, and my proficiency has definitely improved. This is mostly thanks to getting some practice in with two typing tutors in Debian: gtyping and typespeed.
I’ve realised how my typing style (which used to be pure touch-typing) has evolved: given how much programming will tend towards punctuation, coupled with the fact that I used emacs (notorious for its use if the Control modifier), my typing has similarly tended to keep the little fingers for shifting; the middle threefingers taking on the brunt of the letters.
So a TouchStream arrived for me and I picked it up this morning, ordered from FingerWorks’ UK distributor, the Back Shop. I don’t suffer from any RSI, but have become concerned at the quality of the keyboard I use at work. Similarly my workstations at home, particularly the laptop, could certainly benefit from something more ergonomic in the keyboard department.
[root@romeo misalski]# uptime
12:07pm up 378 days, 3:55, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.13, 0.09
[root@romeo misalski]# shutdown -h now
Broadcast message from root (pts/1) Fri Feb 13 12:07:30 2004...
The system is going down for system halt NOW !!
[root@romeo misalski]#
[root@cymbeline misalski]# shutdown -h now
Broadcast message from root (pts/1) Fri Feb 13 17:08:06 2004...
The system is going down for system halt NOW !!
[root@cymbeline misalski]# uptime
5:08pm up 371 days, 3:01, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[root@cymbeline misalski]#