I bought my first camera, a Canon EOS 300 35mm film body, back in 1998 along with a 28-80mm f/4-5.6 lens and 75-300mm f/4-5.6 II lens. These are both “consumer grade” lenses which came as part of a kit, but they fared me very well for a good number of years.
I wouldn’t publish a letter to someone who has hurt me. Either I would discuss it with them or I would keep it to myself. Publishing hurt only begets more hurt: I don’t want that.
I’ve run a blog since about 1998, on and off, vaguely serving as a diary, vaguely serving as an aide memoir. I switched to Tumblr because I liked the simple interface that I saw on Dominic’s Tumblog. I may switch away from Tumblr to self-hosted WordPress at some point: I’m not using the “social” aspects of Tumblr and I’m not enamoured of “The Cloud”.
Both these emails were delivered to the same address, an address only shared with Ticketline and their mailing list providers. I can only conclude that there has been a security breach somewhere along the way. The same technique I use here was how I discovered the breach at iContact.