
alcohol is quite the poison
Personal message

Earlier this year Ulrich admitted to illegally downloading his band’s latest album from a BitTorrent tracker site in order to “test” how the process worked…

I bet after downloading he thought “thank f**k i didn’t waste a tenner on that”

Comments board on The Register

I just think there’s a gigantic gulf between the “American dream” and reality. Filled with TV.
dotwaffle on Twitter

MANHUG: Masculine Affection - No Homosexual Understones Generated

It was certainly a memorable film, even though the dialogue appeared to have been generated by someone hurling darts at a Japanese-English phrasebook.
Anita, on Blood: the Last Vampire

Jun 6 23:01:50 prince kernel: cogent: no IPv6 routers present
prince, one of AS41495’s outgoing routers


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