
Over billions of years, on a unique sphere, chance has painted a thing covering of life - complex, improbable, wonderful, and fragile.
Suddenly we humans, (a recently arrived species no longer subject to the checks and balances inherent in nature), have grown in population, technology, and intelligence to a position of terrible power: we now wield the paintbrush.
Paul MacCready: Nature vs Humans, and what we can do about it

I want the gun from whose barrel change comes. I could fire five pence pieces at people.


Sleep levels: LOW
Excitement levels: HIGH
Video camera: CHECK
Battery: CHARGED
Internet: WORKING
Video editing software: ON MY MAC
Hilarity: FOR ALL

Lisa, on monoskiing

I still maintain it is a silly sport.

Listening to NIN at full volume in the library - and nobody else can hear a thing!! (unless I’m singing without realising it, of course). I’ve checked the rules: no mobile phones, no smoking and no eating, but it doesn’t say anything about dancing……

(nothing can stop me now…. coz i don’t care any more……)


It reminded me of last night’s date, where we had conversation about all sorts of perverted acts of pleasure. And yet, when it came to asking for my number, she had to qualify the question with, “I hope this isn’t too forward of me but…” I don’t know about you, but when you’ve had a chat about [censored] then swapping a phone number doesn’t seem to be a big deal. Or did I miss a lesson in sexual health where I’m meant to be less promiscuous with my phone number…?!


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